Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

National Education Day

At the National Education Day, we are made aware of this as a long history of this country's educational journey. But, why is dated May 2 to serve as National Education Day?
National Education Day is identical to the figure of Father of Education, which is Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or better known as Ki Hajar Dewantara. Ki Hajar Dewantara tremendous dedication in advancing the nation of Indonesia in the field of education. He was born in the Duchy Pakualaman, May 2, 1989. As a child he attended the ELS, then to STOVIA. But not completed because of illness, after that, he worked as a journalist with a passion communicative reliable anti-colonial or anti-colonialists. So great was the struggle of a Ki Hajar Dewantara for Nasioanal education. In honor of his services in the fields of education, then on May 2, which is the birth date of Ki Hajar Dewantara immortalized as National Education Day. In 1959, the Government established that every year on May 2 is celebrated as National Education Day.
The quality of education in Indonesia is still low and arguably poor. Still often encountered the bad condition of school buildings. Even schools that are open to the sky too much. Students do not get an adequate supply of books. And the more fatal is the expensive school fees. And we all know that education is a right for all citizens of Indonesia. This is the reality experienced by the world of education in Indonesia that inhibit Indonesia.Kondisi diataslah to rise above the low quality of human resources and high unemployment. The lack of quality and educational facilities would significantly impact on the quality of the man himself. The many problems facing the government certainly can not be completed quickly. The steps used to promote education in Indonesia, are :
1. improving the quality of education in various ways, namely, the provision of education facilities, certified teachers in hopes of becoming a teacher of teachers that are reliable and smart, not just in education but also general education, which is inseparable from the task that is emngajar and educate, so as to print the output of reliable, capable of competing in the world of work and able to create a better civilization.
2. completion of the dropout rate by opening the school.
3. local curriculum taken by the government to prevent stiffness of the curriculum to local distinctiveness, as well as introducing students to the culture, so that learners become people who love and are able to preserve the local culture.
4. decentralization of education by giving each region the right to set its own curriculum, so as to optimize the potential of students.
Hopefully leading to the formation of National Education of Indonesia's human whole country for the glory of the nation and not forgetting the self so that people sourced from local wisdom in the form of art and culture and if a sense of initiative and valuable nan mind. Hope to commemorate Hardiknas, we can interpret it as an attempt of Indonesia in doing their best to national education.

Tut Wuri Handayani
Ing Madya Mangun Karsa
Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha
-Ki Hajar Dewantara-

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