
My life may not be going the way. I planned it, but it is going exactly the way Allah planed it

I Love My Life

Loving life is a daily choice made in the mine, not the result of perfect circumstances

I Love My Family

The Love of a FAMILY is life's greatest blessing

I Love My Friends

Friends make the world go round

I Love Myself

I am Me and I won't change for anyone

Minggu, 29 April 2012


Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd. Take some time to find out about how one man, who was determined to change the way we treated our planet, didn't stop until he had made a difference. A few years later, Senator Nelson decided to put one day aside every year for the cause of saving the planet. On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, Earth Day has become an international holiday. People all over the world are doing something to make Earth a cleaner, better place.
For me,  Every day is Earth Day. Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day. Don't restrict yourself to just one day a year; learn about how you can make a difference to environmental protection all the time. And put it into practice - every day!
On the anniversary of Earth Day , I want to share information about good habits that we can do to protect our earth. I mean the Earth Day as a day where we should be able to fix our world is getting older and increasingly critical situation. The whole world is looking for the best solution for this phenomenon. The world is getting older. Forests into cities, rice fields into the building, the dirty air. Humans do not forget what he has done. Even the man roared when disaster arrives. Not a few people who forget that nature is the true friend of every man. Good habits that we can start from home, school, college, workplace, and the environment around us.
Starting from the house all to do. In my family I am very happy to plant flowers, vegetables and fruit. In my family, no one was smoking. Let's hope this becomes a small contribution to reducing air pollution. The next step is that we can make our concept of an open house during the day. We can let the sunlight into the house lights, so we can save electricity.
We can also implement 4R, Replace, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Replace. We can replace disposable items with long-lasting. For example we take the place of food packaging is more durable and environmentally friendly, health friendly as well. Moreover we can replace plastic bags with a basket or cloth bags for shopping.
Reduce. We can buy refill packs for liquid soap, cooking oil, etc., than we accumulate waste bottle. The most important thing we can bring their own bags when shopping.
Reuse. A lot of junk that we can kreasikan be more useful items. For example, we are using tin cans as a stationery and accessories to decorate the container becomes more beautiful. In addition we can memnafaatkan clothes or cloth towel or partially used as a mop. And remnants of fabric can be sewn into a napkin, tablecloth, or mat
Recycle. Recycling can be done at home is to make compost. In addition, the garbage - garbage can we collect separately for distribution to the special recycling.
We can apply the principle of energy saving. We can start now. For example:
- Turn off lights when not in use
- At bedtime, you should use a dim light
- Turn off and unplug electrical appliances outlet after use
- Using water as needed.
- Looking for a friend traveling in the direction to go along with one vehicle
- Travelling to use public transport
- Use of environmentally friendly transportation by bicycle or on foot
- Use a mechanical pencil
- Use a pen that can be refilled

Practice clean and healthy living. Encourage everyone to green waste clean up the environment of planting trees in our environment and make compost. Make this a sustainable green movement.

Nature's beauty is a blueprint on how to live a full life. It's her operating instructions that govern our behavior by engaging our sense of smell, touch, taste, and the visual splendors of color, texture, composition, and symmetry. By opening our hearts, nature uses beauty as a tool of survival, because we will protect what we fall in love with.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

♥ My mom ♥

Did you know?
Beautiful flowers not as beautiful as your face
Your soul is not as bright as bright star
Warm water was not as warm as your love
In fact, not as beautiful as you sound fine cotton
If ...
There is something that can take you
Wherever you want
I really want to take you there
Enjoy what you want with our families
This time I really understood
How great you are in my eyes
Although I never hurt you
You do not reciprocate
mom ..
Let me hug you every night
with the warmth of the night
And let me take this world with you

Dragon Fruits

By :      Dewi Puspa Arisandi    (111510501110)
            Ajeng Widyaningrum    (111510501111)
            Sheilla Anandyta R       (111510501112)
            Ira Anggraeni                (111510501113)
Ira        : Where are you come from? Why your clothes look so wet?
Sheilla  : I’m come from buy a book in Gramedia and there is rain in the outside
Ira        : okay. Come in please. Sit down in here, there are Ajeng and Dewi in here.
Sheilla : Hai Ajeng and Dewi
Ajeng and Dewi : Hai
Ajeng   : This is tissue for you, please clean your body.
Sheilla  : Thank you. What are you doing guys?
Dewi    : We are sharing about information in this magazine
Ajeng   : Hey guys, come on sharing about dragon fruit!! I interest about it.
Ira, Sheilla, Dewi : Let’s go
Ajeng   : Are you ready?
Ira, Sheilla, Dewi : Yes, we are ready..
Ajeng : As i know, the dragon fruit’s peel is red, isn’t it?
Dewi    : Yes, of course, but i like the flower, because it so beautifull
Sheilla  : as i know there are 3 kinds of dragon fruit. Golden dragon fruit, black dragon fruit, and white dragon fruit
Ajeng   : From this magazine, the first advantage of dragon fruits is balancing sugar blood levels.
Ira        : for preventing colon cancer
Sheilla  : Protecting our mouth health
Dewi    : And make our skin smooth
Ira        : i like consume dragon fruit juice
Sheilla  : For me, i prefer consume dragon fruit for salad
Ajeng   : i love thats fruits from jam,, hmm yummy
Dewi    : i agree with you Ajeng
Sheilla  : Where’s the production center of dragon fruit in Jember?
Ira        : I think in Rembangan
Ajeng   : Woow its so far,, you can get it at agrotechnopark.
Sheilla  : But i think it’s so expensive.
Dewi    : I certainly that in there the dragon fruit is qualified
Ajeng   : How much the price in rembangan?
Ira        : It’s about Rp 15.000,- / kg
Sheilla  : It:s so expensive. How about if we planting dragon fruit?
Dewi    : Yes, it;s so easy to plant.
Ajeng   : How the step to plant it?
Sheilla  : As i know, we can plant it with cutting
Ajeng   : oh yeah, i know it
Ira        : But i think this plant growth in low land about 0-350 mdpl, the rainfall is about 600-1.300 mm/years and the intensity of sunlight is about 70-80%
Dewi    : How if we try to plant it tomorrow? My grandmother have a land in Rembangan.
Ajeng, Sheilla, Ira : Okey!!
Sheilla  :I think the rain stop now. I want to go first.. Byee
Ajeng and Dewi : We want to go home too
Sheilla, Ajeng, Dewi : See you soon..
Ira        : Bye,, be carefull

Minggu, 08 April 2012

About Kartini

History of RA Kartini

            Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in Jepara, Central Java, 21 April 1879 and died in Rembang, Central Java, 17 September 1904 at age 25 years. Kartini was the fifth child of 11 siblings and stepfather. Of all siblings, Kartini was the eldest daughter. She is a descendant of a family of intelligent Until the age of 12 years, Kartini allowed in school at ELS (Europese Lagere School). Here, among others, Kartini learn Dutch. But after 12 years of age,she should stay at home because it could be secluded.
             Because Kartini could speak Dutch, then at home he began to study himself and to write letters to her friends of correspondence from the Netherlands. From books, newspapers, and European magazines, thinks Kartini interested in the progress of European women. Arises a desire to promote indigenous women, where the social conditions of indigenous women at that time was at a low social status.
             Kartini was married to K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat on 12 November 1903. Her husband understood Kartini. Kartini and desire the freedom and support girls' school founded in the east gate of the office complex Rembang district, or in a building that is now used as the Scout House.

Kartini's Day

             Kartini's Day is often identified with women. In addition to championing women's rights, RA Kartini had a broad mind in the struggle for the emancipation of women. April 21 set as Kartini Day. Kartini's Day can also be used as inspiration for us. One of the values ​​that can be drawn from this is the spirit of Kartini's struggle to improve the lot of women. As is known, the struggle in advancing the nation of Indonesia, especially the women are so great.             
             Starting from the limitation that created a family environment, until the culture of Indonesia that did not make him give in to circumstances. Kartini is inspired by Western women, encourage women to come forward and Indonesia care about equality. Because of the time, women are so taken for granted and not free. For teenagers, the figure of Kartini was introduced since in kindergarten. Starting from the traces of struggle, to a private person has a compulsory subject in every school. Most students of Indonesia had already memorized by rote Kartini Day. However, what are the things that teenagers do in order to commemorate Kartini Day is.               
             Indonesia is an independent woman like this is one of the effects the story of the struggle of Kartini. each of Kartini Day, he and his friends conducting themed women, activities that may take the form of seminars or performing arts Kartini. Kartini efforts in liberating women in the limitations and the rights of women was so great. Story of struggle Kartini truly an inspiration to women in Indonesia. If Kartini can, we can too. Keep the spirit like her. Whatever life bitter, surely there is great wisdom. Life's full of ups and downs.  That's why we need inspirations  from time to time, to remind us about  how blessed we are,  how much God loves us and  how beautiful this life can be.^.^
And Then .. "Woman are like tea-bags, you never know how strong they are until they are in hot water" (Nancy Reagan)

Minggu, 01 April 2012

I love Ice Cream ^^

What did you think about ice cream?
Ice cream  is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours.
Ice cream makes me happy.  Ice cream makes things feel like a special occasion, like it’s a birthday and all important thing to be celebrated. It’s a feeling that’s ice cream always readily available in my hand. Ice cream makes life better. Thankfully for me, that burden of expectation has been taken off my shoulders cause my college activities,, fiuuh. . i have ice cream. i love my live ^^